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Showing posts from August 15, 2017


Ingredients: 4 medium potatoes 1 tablespoon melted butter pinch of turmeric powder pinch of chilli powder 1/2 tsp garlic powder salt to taste Preparations: Preheat the oven to 220°C. Wash the potatoes and cut  into 4 wedges. Boil the potato wedges along with salt . Remove in a kitchen towel dry it.  take a bowl add potato sprinkle chili powder, turmeric powder garlic powder, salt, and melted butter and toss gently to coat.  Arrange the wedges in a single layer on a greased baking tray. Bake for 30 min or until the wedges are golden brown  and crispy on the outside. Serve as side dish or snacks.


Ingradients: 2 cups Rice flour 1 cup Powderd Sugar 1/2 cup desi ghee 1 tablespoon cardamom powder 1/2 cup Mix nuts(casew,kissmiss,almonds,wallnuts 1/2 cup coconut powder 1/2 cup milk powder Pinch of salt Preparations: In a mixing bowl mix rice flour , powdered sugar , desi ghee , cardamom powder , nuts , desi ghee and milk powder thoroughly . Take a dry deep kadai fry this mixer continue stirring constantly until browned. Do not burn. Remove from heat to another dry plate. Mix all to form pliable dough like mixture if not pliable add more ghee.  Take one small portion out of this and form it like a ping pong sized ball (rounding and pressing hard with both the hands).  Similarly make with other remaining dough. Just like Ladoo . Enjoy the sweet rice Ladoo.


Ingredients: Marinade     1/2 Cup Hung Curd     1 teaspoon Ginger garlic crushed     1 teaspoon Red  Chili Powder     1 teaspoon Kashmiri Chili Powder     1 teaspoon Cumin Powder     ¼ teaspoon Turmeric Powder     ½ teaspoon Garam Masala Powder     1 teaspoon Lemon Juice     1 teaspoon Black Salt      Salt to taste Prawns     15 Prawns wash and clean     2 tablespoons melted butter Vegetables Onion , Tomato and capsicum cut into squares  Preparations: Add all the ingredients listed under marinade to a bowl,  and combine prawns and vegetables and set aside.  Keep this marinating for half an hour in a refrigerator. Oven preparations: Preheat the oven for 220 degree Celsius. Remove the prawns marinating from fridge leave it for room temperature for extra 5 min. and then arrange these in a skewer ; brush them with melted butter and grill for 10-12 minutes.  Brush once more at 5 minutes and then right before serving.      Pan Preparat