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    1/2 Cup Hung Curd
    1 teaspoon Ginger garlic crushed
    1 teaspoon Red Chili Powder
    1 teaspoon Kashmiri Chili Powder
    1 teaspoon Cumin Powder
    ¼ teaspoon Turmeric Powder
    ½ teaspoon Garam Masala Powder
    1 teaspoon Lemon Juice
    1 teaspoon Black Salt 
    Salt to taste


    15 Prawns wash and clean
    2 tablespoons melted butter


Onion , Tomato and capsicum
cut into squares 


Add all the ingredients listed under marinade to a bowl, 
and combine prawns and vegetables and set aside. 
Keep this marinating for half an hour in a refrigerator.

Oven preparations:

Preheat the oven for 220 degree Celsius.
Remove the prawns marinating from fridge leave it for room temperature for extra 5 min. and then arrange these in a skewer ;
brush them with melted butter and grill for 10-12 minutes. 
Brush once more at 5 minutes and then right before serving.
Pan Preparations:

After aranging in skewers  heat a grill pan on the gas. 
Add some butter to the pan and arrange prawns and veggies skewers on the pan so that they don't overlap and sear on high heat for a minute cook two skewers at a time .
Prawns cook pretty quickly so be careful about the cooking time. 
Brush 2 to 3 times with butter for better cooking.
Gastop burning Preparations:

Heat the roti grill and arrange the skewers on top of grill. flame must be in slow.
Brush with butter and turn it multiple times. cook evenly all the sides.

To Serve:

Arrange the cooked skewers on a plate and sprinkle chat masala on top.