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Showing posts from November 1, 2016


Ingredients : Ghee - 3 tbsp Milk Powder (aavin milk pd) Sugar free - 3 cups Rosewater - 2 to 3 drops Coco powder - 1 tsp Cardamom powder - tbsp Almond and Cashew nuts chopped Preparation: Place the sugar free and water in a saucepan over low heat and stir until the sugar free dissolves. Simmer, without stirring, until a thick syrup forms. Allow the syrup cool. Meanwhile, combine the milk powder, ghee,cardamom, rosewater and chopped nuts in a bowl mix nicely. Pour over the syrup and quickly combine well. Now divide the mix into two parts add cocoa powder in one part. Grease the tray with ghee.Place the first plain layer and then the second cocoa layer. keep in refrigerate for half an hour. Remove after half an hour leave it for just 2 min.and then cut  a shape of diamond and  serve.