Ingredients : Pearl onions 1 tbsp sesame seeds 1 tbsp Desiccated coconut 1 tsp Garlics chopped ½ tsp Ginger chopped 1 tsp Green chillies chopped 11½ Aam chur powder into 2parts 1 tsp Red chilli powder 1 tsp Chopped Coriander leaves Oil Salt Presentations : Preheat oven to 350 degree Celsius . Slice the top and bottom of each onion and remove the skin. Place all the onions in a large mixing bowl , pour one teaspoon of oil , salt and toss to coat well. Keep this for 15 minutes. Exactly after 15 minutes place all marinated onions in baking tray cover and place in the oven, bake 30 minutes. Heat a pan fry sesame seeds and remove in a dry place. Fry desiccated coconut till light brown, remove and keep in dry plate. After 30 minutes remove Onions from oven sprinkle aam chur powder toss carefully and keep aside. Heat pan with little oil add chopped chilies, Red chili powder, aam chur, Garlics, ginger, fried sesame, fried desicca...