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Showing posts from September 24, 2019

Janhi Alu Posta

Janhi posta Ingredients: 2 long Ridge Gourd into cubes 2 Boiled Potato into cubes 2 Onion sliced 2 tbsp Poppy Seed ¼ tsp termeric powder (optional) Red Chilli Powder – (Optional) 1 Bay leaf 2 Red Whole Chilli 4 Green Chilli's 1 tbsp GG paste 1 pinch of sugar Salt Mustard Oil Preparations : Soak the poppy seeds in luke warm water for 10 minutes. Grind soaked poppy seeds adding a whole red chilli with water into a thick paste. Heat oil. Add pinch of sugar ,Add onion , Bay leaf and fry them till they turn brown. Add GG paste , posta paste, termeric powder,chilli powder and salt fry until it begin to leave oil on sides. Add  potato and fry for a second Add ridge gourd. Mix properly cover and cook on low flame. Ridge gourd releases moisture. The curry will be cooked in the same juice, you need not to add any water. Cover and cook till the ridge gourd is almost done. Open the lid stir well if liquid is there cook until the gravy is thick enou